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National News

Hockey gear manufacturer to switch from protecting players to medical staff

Hockey gear manufacturer to switch from protecting players to medical staff

MONTREAL — Canadian hockey equipment manufacturer Bauer is offering to modify its production line to make protective visors for doctors, nurses and first responders.
A look at what's in the federal COVID-19 aid legislation

A look at what's in the federal COVID-19 aid legislation

OTTAWA — Parliament has passed sweeping legislation designed to blunt the economic impact COVID-19.
Champagne talks global COVID-19 security with G7 foreign ministers over video

Champagne talks global COVID-19 security with G7 foreign ministers over video

OTTAWA — Canada and its G7 allies grappled Wednesday with how to address a world that was already filled with security threats and festering conflicts well before COVID-19's accelerated spread.
Canada to help world's poor cope with COVID-19, amid UN appeal: aid minister

Canada to help world's poor cope with COVID-19, amid UN appeal: aid minister

OTTAWA — Canada will spend millions to help the world's most desperate people fight COVID-19 because it is in the country's long-term security interest as well as being the right thing to do, says International Development Minister Karina Gould.
Woman in Newfoundland arrested for refusing to self-isolate after talking to police

Woman in Newfoundland arrested for refusing to self-isolate after talking to police

Good deeds, spirit of sharing spreads amid pandemic panic purchasing

Good deeds, spirit of sharing spreads amid pandemic panic purchasing

VANCOUVER — While panicked shoppers have been buying stores out of toilet paper and flour stocks, two tables have appeared on streets in the Vancouver area stacked with essential items and a sign that says "free.
Toronto charity offers subsidized housing near hospitals for health-care workers

Toronto charity offers subsidized housing near hospitals for health-care workers

TORONTO — As hospitals prepare for a surge of COVID-19 patients, one Toronto non-profit is offering subsidized accommodation to health-care workers so they can avoid exposing their families to the illness.
Federal bill with more than $100 B in COVID-19 aid gets royal assent, is now law

Federal bill with more than $100 B in COVID-19 aid gets royal assent, is now law

OTTAWA — An emergency federal bill to give the government billions of dollars to spend to help anxious workers, families and employers cope with COVID-19 is now law. Gov. Gen. Julie Payette signed the bill at 12:18 p.m.
Schlatter handed life sentence with no parole for 25 years in Richey's murder

Schlatter handed life sentence with no parole for 25 years in Richey's murder

TORONTO — A Toronto man's "appetite for violent sex" and his desire to experience it led him to strangle a young woman hours after they met, an Ontario judge said in sentencing him to life in prison.
Stars not aligned for astrologers and a grim find; In The News for Mar. 25

Stars not aligned for astrologers and a grim find; In The News for Mar. 25

In The News is a roundup of stories from The Canadian Press designed to kickstart your day. Here is what's on the radar of our editors for the morning of Mar. 25. What we are watching in Canada ...