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Police urge patience and care in construction, school areas

Students use detour streets to travel to and from school

The East Algoma Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police have been receiving complaints related to disobeying school crossing guards, speeding and aggressive driving within the Woodward Avenue construction detour area. This includes Murray Street, Huron Avenue, Berthelot Street, Park Street, and Dawsy Street in the Town of Blind River. 

The OPP remind motorists that students from the local secondary and elementary schools use these detour streets to walk or cycle to and from school. Slow down early when approaching construction zones. Be patient and obey signs, signal persons, obey school crossing guards, allow extra following space and be ready to stop.

"Being impatient and refusing to wait for all children and crossing guards to clear the roadway is selfish and reckless behaviour. No one's time is so valuable that they cannot afford to wait a matter of seconds to protect the safety of children walking to school. Children excitedly walking to school deserve to do so without being put at risk by self-centered driving habits, and drivers have a responsibility to operate their vehicles carefully and in compliance with the law." - Inspector Tyler Sturgeon, Commander, East Algoma OPP.
