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Water service to be shut down in North Industrial Area area Wednesday

'Please refrain from using any water until it is restored upon completion of the repairs,' says the city
 tap pexels-nithin-pa-2583028
Photo by Nithin PA from Pexels

Emergency Water Shut-Off Notice for Timber Road and Roddis Road. (North Industrial Area)

Please be advised the water service in the North Industrial Area area will be shut off Wednesday May 22nd, 2024 around 8:30 am in order to repair a water main. Please refrain from using any water until it is restored upon completion of the repairs. Occupants may experience reduced water pressure for a temporary period once the water supply has been restored.

When the water service is restored, we advise that you open each cold tap, one at a time and let them run for about 20 seconds each. This should release any air trapped in your water lines. If the water is cloudy or contains grit, continue to run the cold water taps until the water runs clear. Please refrain from using any appliances or hot water until the cold water runs clear to avoid damaging the hot water tank.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please call (705) 848-2287 ext. 2600

Thank you for your cooperation.

