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Hydro One maintenance means outages for some later this month

The separate outages will affect a combined 5,400 customers
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A pair of separate power outages are expected to hit a number of Hydro One customers later this month.

The initial interruption is expected to affect 2,510 customers between 8 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. on May 26 in Blind River, Mississagi First Nation and areas of the North Shore.

Also on May 26, a six-hour outage between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. will affect 2,894 Hydro One customers in areas including the aforementioned areas of Blind River and Mississagi First Nation as well as Thessalon, Thessalon First Nation, and Huron Shores.

All customers impacted by both of the planned outages have been contacted by Hydro One.

Up-to-date power interruption information related to the interruptions can be found by downloading the Hydro One Mobile App or by clicking here.
