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Good morning École Saint-Joseph!

Students take to the airwaves to enrich school spirit
grade 5 students at École Saint-Joseph (Blind River) host a morning radio program

ElliotLakeToday received the following note and picture from École Saint-Joseph and we thought our readers would enjoy them. 

Since October, Grade 5 students at École Saint-Joseph (Blind River) have had the great opportunity to each take their turn hosting the student radio show in the morning with the support of their teacher Ms. Renée Mathis.

This great opportunity allows students to take part in and promote school activities, contribute to their school spirit, acquire public speaking skills, practice their oral skills while learning how to produce a radio show.

Les élèves de Saint-Joseph prennent la parole!

Depuis le mois d’octobre, les élèves de la 5e année à l’école Saint-Joseph (Blind River) animent à tour de rôle la radio-étudiante le matin avec l’appui de Mme Renée Mathis.

Par leur participation à ce beau projet, les élèves participent et contribuent aux activités scolaires, renforce leurs habiletés d’expression orale et découvrent le métier d’animateur de radio.
