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Eligible Manitoulin Island residents can now pre-register for COVID-19 vaccination clinics

Although anyone who falls into an eligible group is encouraged to pre-register, vaccine supply is limited
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Eligible residents in the Manitoulin district can now pre-register for COVID-19 vaccination clinics coming to the Island the week of March 15.

Adults 80 years of age and older (anyone born in 1941 or earlier) and individuals who receive chronic home care services are eligible to receive a vaccine.

Anyone who is not a part of the eligible groups is asked to not pre-register at this time “so that the system can run as smoothly as possible,” according to a press release.

Although anyone who falls into an eligible group is encouraged to pre-register, vaccine supply is limited. People who have registered will be randomly selected to receive appointment booking offers, and the number of appointments will match the number of doses available.

Individuals who are randomly selected will be contacted directly, by email or phone, with information on how to book an appointment.

A local health care provider is not needed to register; however, people must reside in the Manitoulin district.

Pre-registration will remain open and random selection will be ongoing to match pre-registrants to the vaccine supply and clinic schedules on Manitoulin Island. Due to high demand and limited supply, pre-registering does not mean you will get an appointment immediately.

Once you pre-register, you will not have to do so again. Appointments will be limited at first, but more will become available and anyone eligible to receive a vaccine will get one.

To pre-register, visit

If you are unable to pre-register online or need help, call 1-800-708-2505 and call centre staff will be pleased to assist you.

For more information about the COVID-19 vaccine, contact your health care provider, visit, or call Public Health Sudbury & Districts at 705-522-9200.

And while COVID-19 has not been widespread on Manitoulin, Public Health Sudbury and Districts is advising of a potential high-risk of exposure to the virus for anyone who attended 662 Crosshill Rd. in M’Chigeeng First Nation on Saturday, March 6, and Sunday, March 7.

People who were there on those dates are advised to:

- Seek COVID-19 testing as soon as possible. In addition, if you are symptomatic or become symptomatic at any time, you should seek testing as soon as possible.

Even if you receive a negative test result, you must remain home and self-isolate up until and including March 21.

- For the duration of your isolation period, everyone else in your household is required to stay home except for essential reasons. Essential reasons include attending work, school, or childcare and essential errands such as groceries, attending medical appointments, or picking up prescriptions.

- If you develop even one symptom of COVID-19, everyone in your household is required to self-isolate until you receive a negative test result or are provided an alternative diagnosis by a health care professional. If you are not tested or do not receive an alternate diagnosis, all members of your household must self-isolate as directed by Public Health. Call 705-522-9200, ext. 524, if you develop any symptoms for additional direction.

- The isolating individual must self-isolate away from other household members. Note that if the isolating individual is young and/or cannot isolate apart from other household members, one identified parent or caregiver must also isolate with the individual away from other household members.

COVID-19 testing appointments can be arranged through the Manitoulin Health Centre (MHC) assessment centre by calling 705-368-2300 or 705-377-5311.

Alternatively, COVID-19 testing appointments can be arranged through the Health Sciences North assessment centre. The preferred option is to request an appointment online (Health Sciences North, or call 705-671-7373 during regular business hours.

Public Health is reminding everyone to follow public health measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 including the more transmissible variants of concern. The safest options are to limit close contact to your household members, stay home and do not attend work or school when ill, avoid non-essential travel, and remember to practise physical distancing, wear your mask, and wash your hands.

For all outings, continue to screen yourself for symptoms and practise COVID-safe behaviours.

For more information or if you have questions, visit or call Public Health at 705-522-9200 (toll-free 1-866-522-9200).

- Colleen Romaniuk, The Local Journalism Initiative, Sudbuary Star
