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All Anglican church services across Ontario cancelled until further notice

Diocese of Ontario announces the decision to address COVID-19 concerns
2019 09 29 GT – Rooted Carillon Recital St Georges Anglican Church – TB 01
A service at St George’s Anglican Church last fall. file photo

The Anglican Diocese of Ontario has cancelled all Sunday church services until further notice.

Bishop Michael Oulton, along with other bishops in the province, discussed "the importance of mitigating the possibility of further outbreak and standing in solidarity with other religious and secular institutions who have instituted measures in this regard.

"We are also highly cognizant of the vulnerability of those who make up our congregations and the duty of care we have to heed the best advice we have in the current situation."

The diocese previously stated it would curtail certain activities at service but would be continuing with them.

"I am directing our parishes to suspend their services of worship as of Sunday. I would ask that the clergy of each parish discuss with their leadership the best means of informing their parishioners of this suspension."

"This situation continues to change rapidly and the bishops of the province will continue to meet regularly by conference call to assess the next steps that need to be taken. We will be communicating with you over these days and information will be made available on the diocesan website."
