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6 COVID-related deaths, 51 COVID-19 patients in Sudbury hospital in Feb. 4 report

More than 20 active COVID-19 outbreaks throughout the Sudbury public health jurisdiction and 142 new cases in the community
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Six more people have died in the Sudbury health unit jurisdiction as the result of COVID-19 and there are 142 new COVID cases in the community, said Public Health Sudbury and Districts (PHSD) on Friday.

Also, Sudbury's Health Sciences North (HSN) reported there are now 51 active COVID-19 patients in the hospital, with eight of them in the Intensive Care Unit. 

This report includes numbers for two days — Thursday and Friday. Public Health Sudbury and Districts (PHSD) no longer report COVID case counts on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

There are also 21 active outbreaks in the city, including six separate outbreaks at the hospital. Across Ontario on Friday, there were 483 COVID patients in intensive care units in Ontario hospitals.  

The health unit also reported there are now 623 active cases that are being monitored locally. Also, since the PHSD began tracking COVID-19 cases just over 22 months ago, there have been 9,716 total COVID-19 cases confirmed locally. PHSD also said 9,093 of those cases are now resolved. More complete details are included on the daily COVID-19 public health summary.

As for the possible location of the new cases, PHSD said 114 new cases were reported to have occurred in the Greater Sudbury area, 18 new cases in the rural Sudbury district and 10 new cases for the Manitoulin district. 

PHSD also reported general demographics each day about the age groups for people who are becoming infected.

Epidemiological data showed that the majority of local cases are persons in the 20 to 39 age category with 3,539 total cases (an increase of 59 cases).

The next highest number was 2,378 for the 40-59 age group (an increase of 37).

There were also 2,045 cases for the 19 and under age group (an increase of 26).

Seniors in the 60 to 79 age group amounted to 1,188 cases total (an increase of 12). 

People aged 80 and over are currently the lowest category with 553 cases (an increase of six).

In the Not Specified category, there were 13 cases, an increase of two since Friday. 

Note: The numbers above might not correspond to other numbers being reported because the health unit does not report fresh numbers daily, as they happen. Some of the numbers are delayed.

With respect to COVID-19 testing, PHSD said there have been 383,631 total tests carried out locally since the pandemic began; an increase of 2,174 new tests since Wednesday's report. 

With respect to vaccination numbers, PHSD is now reporting percentages of people vaccinated rather than doses given. The percentage of area residents who are now fully vaccinated translates to 79.5 per cent of all people in the PHSD area. 

The Sudbury health unit is reporting more than 20 outbreaks in the city. This includes six separate outbreaks at the hospital, which is a drop from nine outbreaks Wednesday. There are outbreaks at several long-term care homes and congregate living homes in the city. More details can be found on the daily COVID summary page. Just scroll to the bottom of the summary page to COVID-19 Outbreaks. It also includes locations where outbreaks have been declared over.

Also, at Sudbury's Health Sciences North, there were 51 patients with confirmed COVID-19 at the hospital, the hospital website reported. Eight of those COVID patients were in the intensive care unit. There were 21 other patients being investigated (tested) for COVID-19. None of those 21 patients were in the ICU.

On the provincial COVID-19 roster today, the Ontario government daily website reported 4,047 newly confirmed COVID-19 cases across the province. This includes 483 COVID patients in intensive care.  Also today, the province reported 58 new COVID-19 deaths.