It takes a village to raise a child…also a legion of eager volunteers, committed leaders, and Blind River Minor Baseball.
Blind River is a town of 3600, according to the signs, and minor baseball has the largest sports registration in the town, according to Blind River Minor Baseball (BRMB) President Chantal Laferriere.
“We had 263 participants in this 2024 season,” Chantal confirmed. “Plus lots and lots of volunteers, who really keep the whole thing going. We couldn’t do it without those dedicated volunteer coaches.”
Chantal is a volunteer as well, as are the other two members of the executive committee, her husband Eric, who is Secretary/Treasurer, and Stacey Schellekens, who is the Vice-President.
BRMB usually runs for an 8-week season in May and June. “We get onto the field as soon as we can, in May, and then we wrap the whole season up by the end of June,” explained Chantal. “People like to have their summers free. This year, we had a hard time with a lot of cancellations due to rain and that heat wave, but it still worked out.”
There are several leagues in BRMB. “The youngest is the T-ball league, and registration for that has really grown in the past couple of years,” said Chantal. “Then we have the minor league, senior league, and coaches pitch as well.”
“We try to keep the registration fees as low as possible, so everyone can play,” she added. “And we give a discount for the second child in a family.”

BRMB was fortunate to be selected as one of the Field of Dreams winners in 2021, winning $30,000 from the Toronto Blue Jays, to be used to upgrade the ball field in Blind River. “I applied for that with the help of the municipality,” said Chantal. “I was so excited when we won! There was a lot of jumping up and down and screaming!”
Chantal partnered with the municipality again and applied for a Trillium grant, which BRMB also received. “That was a wonderful gift as well, and we used that money towards equipment, including all the disinfecting equipment we needed to operate the league in 2021, the year after the pandemic started,” said Chantal. “We also used it to finish the upgrades on the field. The kids are so proud of that field, and the Blue Jays sign on it. We feel very fortunate.”
“The league formed in the 1980’s, and I really just try to keep it going according to how its founders started. It’s for everyone who wants to play. I love seeing the kids enjoying the games each week, and really love picking out special trophies for them, and then seeing them sharing them in show and tell at school the next year. You can tell it all means a lot to all of the kids. That’s why we do it.”
She finished, “I really want to give a huge shout out to all of our volunteers. I am really proud of what we are building here, but I know without all of their hard work and commitment, it wouldn’t be possible. A huge thank you to every one of them!”