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Public Library open as warming centre today, tomorrow

Should the cold temperatures continue, dates will be extended
Elliot Lake Public Library

In response to the cold temperatures The City of Elliot Lake has opened the warming centre at the Public Library from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 20 and Tuesday, Jan. 21. Doors to the library close at 4:50 p.m. at the end of the day.

The library is located at 45 Hillside Dr. S. in the Pearson Plaza.

There is an Elliot Lake Public Transit stop at this location.

There is capacity for 15 people and how long you may remain in the building and space availability will depend on attendance. Staff ask that you please refrain from bringing outside food or drink into the library.

Should the cold temperatures continue, the dates will be extended.

Please check the city’s website or social media pages for updates.

For more info. please contact the library at 705-848-2287 ext. 2800.



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